We can't go around measuring our goodness by what we don't do, by what we deny ourselves, by what we resist and who we exclude.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

By suggestion of Lauren......

Da blog. Hmmmm. Not sure exactly how I feel about this here. I think to successfully blog, one has to believe that others desire to read what's to be said. So I will be pretending that everyone wants to read this until, someday, I've finally tricked myself into believing this.

Other blogs I've read simply discuss the day to day activities, which sometimes re-examined are amusing. Others deal with big important issues. A good...deep...one is http://www.theangrypharmacist.com

Pretty enjoyable.

So...since my life is consumed with my new kitty, Toffee, this will be my first topic.

Why Toffee is smarter than a dog:

  1. Hasn't had a single "accident." Went straight to using the kitty litter

  2. She can bathe herself.

  3. She knows when its safe to bite the tip of my nose. (when I'm sleeping)

  4. Innately curious about EVERYTHING, which is a quick way to learn about everything.

  5. She's only 3 months old, and has figured out how to get on top of my pretty darn tall bed, on top of the bathroom counter, and pretty much everywhere else she wants to go.

  6. Did I mention she hasn't had any accidents and I don't have to take her outside to do her business?

  7. She's very health conscious. I have a basket of tootsie rolls...and 1 by 1 she is hiding them around my apartment so that I don't eat them. And I do appreciate her care.

  8. She can chase a laser-pointer like there's no tomorrow. A sure sign of intelligence.

Why Toffee is as dumb as a dog (because dogs would do this too.....so she's not dumb-er):

  1. She gets in the fridge. And has been shut in there for awhile until I've realized I couldn't find her.

  2. She doesn't know the difference between when the lid is open or shut on the toilet. I have caught her mid-air a couple times before she landed in the toilet.

  3. She has fallen in the shower....while it was on.

  4. She sometimes thinks playtime is 2 am. And Jill is playing dead. And you wake her from the dead by jumping on her.

  5. She chews on my shoes.

Well that's enough for now. She's constantly making me laugh though. She's young enough to not quite have the full grace of a cat.

End of post 1.

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